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Following a change in government funding rules around the accommodation element of the apprenticeship standard funding, weekend stays for long distance apprentices can no longer be paid through the residential element of the standard funding cap.

TICA will now be working with employers to ensure compliance with the very strict 20% ‘off the job’ rule under the employer standards, and consequently, the number of visits to centre will increase. Weekend stay overs for long distance apprentices were always an added bonus, and not strictly included in the original funding bid.

Whilst we are obviously disappointed at not being able to continue with this part of the benefit, we would ask members to remain focused on the remaining funding that is paying for almost 90% of accommodation whilst the apprentice is in centre at the National Training Centre in Darlington, and recognise that we still have a significant cost benefit to employers in comparison to our old framework funding.

Funding for standards and accommodation will vary from year to year depending on Government funding rules. TICA remains committed to keeping employers and apprentices informed about funding levels at the start of every induction. For up to date information, please check our web-site on a regular basis.

Training Officers will continue to support employers on a local basis where an apprentice is engaged with TICA to ensure where ever possible that information is communicated effectively.

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