Insulation and Environmental Training Trust Ltd
The Insulation and Environmental Training Trust Limited (IETTL) will facilitate the development of thermal insulation operatives to the highest possible standards and undertake the End Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO) responsibilities to best meet the needs of the industry.
IETTL will:
- be the End Point Assessment Organisation for ST0333 and ST0521
- promote and continually improve the training of employees of the Thermal Insulation Industry
- ensure all training courses are appropriate for the needs of the Thermal Insulation industry and that the standards required by the Awarding Bodies are achieved and, if possible, surpassed.
- ensure all relevant grants and funding are applied for as appropriate.
- ensure the resources, staff and equipment at the National Training Centre are adequate and comply with all appropriate Health and Safety legislation
- ensure they meet the standards set out by Ofsted, Estyn and Skills Development Scotland in order to demonstrate high standards of leadership and management, excellent outcomes for learners and high quality teaching, learning and assessment
- ensure strategic direction, the delivery of objectives and uphold values
- ensure the organisation complies with its obligations, performs well and is solvent
- have clear responsibilities and functions and will be organised to discharge them effectively
- will uphold high ethical standards and conflicts of interest
- will be dealt with properly
- will be open, responsive and accountable to its beneficiaries, funders, staff, partners and others with an interest in its work
- Membership of IETTL is made up of six representatives of TICA’s Governing Body
- Members of IETTL will be appointed for a period not exceeding 3 years subject to re-appointment or replacement or until the age of 70
- Meetings are quorate if one third of the membership are in attendance
- IETTL will appoint a Chairman. The Chairman shall hold office until they cease to be a Board member or until the Board decides otherwise
- IETTL may appoint a non-executive Board Member as required, from time to time
Legal and financial accountability are built into the general duties of directors of companies, charities and other formally constituted organisations.
IETTL Members will:
- act in accordance with the Articles of Association of IETTL
promote the success of TICA - exercise independent judgment
- exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
- avoid conflicts of interest
- not accept benefits from third parties
- declare any interest a director has in a proposed transaction or arrangement with the company
- be accountable for the financial probity and health of the organisation
- ensure value for money in respect of performance and learner success rates
- ensure that all training is in line with employer needs
promote the provision of data relating to equality and diversity for the social good - comply with all rules and codes
adhere to our Mission Statement and delivery of the wider ethical conduct agenda - be responsible for reporting back on the activities of the group
Ways of working
• IETTL Meetings will be held quarterly at TICA House
• IETTL Meetings will be organised by TICA
• Agenda and minutes will be produced by TICA
• If required non members will be invited to meetings
• The AGM will beheld on the same day as the third quarterly meeting
• IETTL will review the relevance and value of its work and the terms of reference on an annual basis
End Point Assessment
All End Point Assessments will be carried out at the Thermal Insulation National Training Centre in Darlington. The National Training Centre is a bespoke facility supported by the Thermal Insulation industry, in order to provide the highest quality training and assessment for Thermal Insulation apprentices. A £450k extension is currently under construction to further extend the training workshop to ensure that the facilities can comfortably accommodate the End Point Assessments and the requisite equipment and materials.
IETTL will ensure that the resources and materials within the training centre are of the highest standard and represent the latest developments within the industry. Equipment is replaced, repaired and restored as required to ensure that the training and assessment standards continually improve and provide the best provision available.
End point assessors will be recruited from within the Thermal Insulation industry and will comply with the requirements of the CITB Consolidated Assessment Strategy Appendix B
End point assessors will be interviewed and appointed by the IETTL board of Trustees.
IETTL will be retaining and maintaining the register of approved assessors for the thermal insulation apprenticeships at level 2 and level 3. Under the terms of the contract between the assessor and IETTL, assessors will commit to undertake CPD as facilitated by IETTL on an on-going basis. Assessors will be required to attend 2 standardisation meetings per year where CPD will be delivered, monitored and reviewed.
Apprentices and their employer will be informed of the outcome of the End Point Assessment within 5 working days of completion of the assessment, a total of 7 working days from commencement of the EPA. Communication of results will be by letter, as an attachment to an email.