Latest News
Online Inductions for Willmott Dixon
We have received some queries regarding the online induction process for Willmott Dixon sites. If you are registering operatives for a Willmott Dixon Site Induction with an ACAD Skill Card, please remember to select the option ‘if you hold a different Skill Card’...
read moreAssure360
Assure360 is ACAD's preferred competency scheme partner. Assure360 is the only digital H&S, audit, competence and and exposure monitoring system available. ACAD members get a 10% discount off Assure360 Assure360 is a database and suite of apps, designed by a...
read moreACAD Skill Card
ACAD SKILL CARD Construction Leadership Council (CLC) agreed that from January 2015 the industry, including trade associations, contractors, clients and government should specify and promote card schemes carrying the CSCS logo with no equivalents accepted. Review the...
read moreALG Memos and Guidance
Personal Monitoring Benchmark Data Licensed Contractors New Handover Form 7 February 2018 Appendix 1-17 Asbestos Ventilation Research Summary Appendix 2-17 Asbestos in Soil Appendix 3-17 Work with Asbestos Paper Appendix 4-17 Dust Wipe Sampling Appendix 5-17 Guidance...
read moreTechnical Documents
Draft Documentaion Licensed Contractors New Handover Form 7 February 2018 Appendix 1-17 Asbestos Ventilation Research Summary Appendix 2-17 Asbestos in Soil Appendix 3-17 Work with Asbestos Paper Appendix 4-17 Dust Wipe Sampling Appendix 5-17 Guidance on AIB Soffitt...
read moreHuman Resources
General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) GDPR Guidance Document What you need to do to ensure you are compliant with the GDPR - GUIDANCE Compliancy Process Privacy Policy - Template DATA PROTECTION POLICY - Template GDPR - Retention of Documents List Data...
read moreMeeting Minutes
Regional Meeting Minutes ACAD Regional Meeting - Spring 2016 ACAD Regional Meeting - Summer 2016 ACAD Regional Meeting - Winter 2015 ACAD Regional Meeting - Spring 2015 Asbestos Liaison Group ALG Meeting - June 2016 ALG Meeting - 11 February 2016
read moreTypes of Membership
ACAD is the Asbestos Control and Abatement Division of the Thermal Insulation Contractors Association. ACAD staff work alongside TICA colleagues based at The National Training Centre in Darlington. The administrative, training and assessment teams are supported by...
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