Technical Committee
ACAD’S Technical Committee has extensive experience in the asbestos industry.
The Committee, which meets regularly throughout the year, makes decisions on ACAD membership applications and is directly involved in industry consultations.
ACAD members can call upon the committee to help solve technical issues related to the asbestos industry.
Technical Committee members are:
- Mike Wilkes – Chair
- Tony Dillon – Independant
- Steve Watkins – Hertel Altrad
- Andy Hicken – Cabot Thermals
- Alasdair Nairn – SGS Environmental
- John Meates – Environtec
- Ian Sayles – Cape Altrad
- Stewart Powel – eBrit
- Jon Chambers – Insterserve Environmental
- Stuart Miller – KAEFER
Find us
ACAD Head Office:
TICA House, 34 Allington Way,
Darlington, DL1 4QB